Activists do it locally – Mar 30
Denmark embraces a clean green dream
Vermont takes a baby step
Portland (Maine) – roadmap to sustainability
Denmark embraces a clean green dream
Vermont takes a baby step
Portland (Maine) – roadmap to sustainability
CERA’s Yergin says renewables get competitive
Turning glare into watts (solar thermal)
Australia: Coalition goes cool on nuclear
Wind is not the enemy of nuclear
Wave-power proposals alarm locals
From geeks to greens
Kurt Cobb: How many windmills does it take to power the world?
Today’s solar cells give more than they take
Solar without the panels
Our place in the sun (solar and Australia suburbs)
Futurists: solar power to rule in 20 years
The Power of the oceans
Pickens on wind
Investing in clean energy technology
A tragedy, like the dead chickadee in the photo, seems small compared to what is happening in the calamitous world we live in now, but not to me.
Study: Unlike the ’70s, energy lessons will last
5 myths about Earth-friendly energy
Bush budget cuts renewables, efficiency
Wind farms need techs to keep running
Solution to energy independence is at local level
Record financing for biofuels, not food
Biofuels make little environmental difference
China drought underlines risks of relying on hydropower
2007: record year for US wind industry
Advocates of renewables on the 07 energy bill
SkySails and airborne wind turbines
China poised to be world leader in renewables
Scientific American: A solar grand plan
Sustainable energy grad school in Iceland
WSJ: A young tinkerer builds a windmill, electrifying a nation
CERA co-founder points to opportunities in green efforts
Airborne wind turbines
Big Oil lets sun set on renewables
China releases draft energy law
Italians warned of looming energy shortfall
Vietnam to stop subsidizing oil in 2008
Wind power sets sail from crowded Germany
Implications of biofuel production for US water supplies
How Africa’s desert sun can bring Europe power
Micro-wind turbines often increase CO2