Renewables & efficiency – Oct 31
World can halt fossil fuel use by 2090: study
IEA cites gains from energy efficiency
A Solar Gold Rush Is Spreading From California to New Jersey
World can halt fossil fuel use by 2090: study
IEA cites gains from energy efficiency
A Solar Gold Rush Is Spreading From California to New Jersey
Find out by reading Ellis Jones’ The Better World Shopping Guide – 2nd Edition (book review)
A digest of news and commentary from a UK peak oil perspective
Former BP chief Lord Browne speaks against alarmism on biofuels
UC Berkeley study: Green efforts boost economy
Making the case for wind power, again
Wood heat rises again
UK announces world’s largest algal biofuel project
UK wind farm plans on brink of failure
Shell pulls out of its last UK wind farm project
Miliband’s blueprint for greener homes
Over 30 speakers including Richard Heinberg, Ellen Hodgson Brown, Albert Bates, Stephanie Mills, Kurt Cobb, Richard Gilbert, John Richter, Tim Hudson, Bill Wilson, Tony Earley, Jerry Norcia, Paul Murray and Aaron Wissner explore the challenges and possibilities for Michigan’s future at a three day solution oriented conference in November.
World Bank’s ‘Green” Energy Funding Up 87 Percent
Study Eases Fear About Wind Farm Threat to Birds
Wind power and feed-in tairffs in Ukraine (audio)
Dutch city kept warm by hot-water mines
This time, the Masters of the Universe have blown up so spectacularly that they are taking down not just their own mindless activities, but also the whole banks with them, leaving no money for normal lending activity. And here I am, the sorry worker of a bank … having been told that I should tell my clients that there is no money for them for the rest of the year. No money for wind farms.
‘Wave snakes’ switch on to harness ocean’s power
Electricity From What Cows Leave Behind
UK’s renewable energy efforts ‘ineffective’
A digest of news and commentary from a UK peak oil perspective
Brown vows freedom from oil dictatorship
How food waste can power your home
When the wind doesn’t blow
Environment Minister Sammy Wilson: climate change views are “hysterical psuedo-religion”
Governor Palin – How Big Oil went from friend to foe in Alaska
Roscoe Bartlett: Drilling for clean energy
Winona LaDuke on climate and energy
Riding the wind with T. Boone