Renewables & efficiency – Feb 24
The Dam Building Boom: Right Path to Clean Energy?
No fridge? Cool!
British Fight Climate Change With Fish and Chips
Should we pave the desert?
California’s renewable energy goals feasible
America’s future wind web?
The Dam Building Boom: Right Path to Clean Energy?
No fridge? Cool!
British Fight Climate Change With Fish and Chips
Should we pave the desert?
California’s renewable energy goals feasible
America’s future wind web?
This content is no longer available. It was a pre-publication draft of a section of “Energy Limits to Growth,” a report that will be published in expanded form by Post Carbon Institute and International Forum on globalization in May.
A weekly round-up from a UK perspective.
Wind Turbines in Europe Do Nothing for Emissions-Reduction Goals
New study praises corn as source for ethanol
A line in the green sand
A weekly review from a UK perspective.
Dark Days for Green Energy
Wyoming wind power
Mark Rodgers talks about the Cape wind off-shore wind project
A new set of high definition videos are now online: Richard Heinberg on peak oil, Thaddeus Owen on permaculture, Ellen Brown on financial collapse, Tim Husdon on the four futures, and Kim Hill on the auto industry crisis, and more.
Wind power set to decline under Obama?
Reactivating Nuclear Reactors for the Fight against Climate Change
Advice to Pres. Obama (#6): Beware the Hungry Ghosts
The Cost of the Biofuel Boom: Destroying Indonesia’s Forests
Advice to Pres. Obama: go for wind power, seriously
Open Letter on Biofuels
Crunching Electricity Demand With Smart Grids
EntropyPawsed Solar Electric System
Krugman’s letter to Obama
Wind, ethanol cloud our difficult energy choices
Reelin’ in the Green
Sustainable Cooking Stoves
Saving the Economy, One Furnace at a Time
The Roots of Energy Efficiency
A Chill Blows Through Wind Power
“Green” billboard ready to light up Times Square
Oil execs see growth in renewable energy
Ambitious solar plans in France
Wind in Wyoming