Our stuff – Dec 28
Your stuff: if it isn’t grown, it must be mined
Plastics provoke ‘wrap rage’
‘Paper or plastic?’ The eco-friendly answer is ‘neither – reusable’
Christmas lights spark concern in Switzerland
Your stuff: if it isn’t grown, it must be mined
Plastics provoke ‘wrap rage’
‘Paper or plastic?’ The eco-friendly answer is ‘neither – reusable’
Christmas lights spark concern in Switzerland
Debating holiday consumerism
Time to call it a wrap for wrapping paper?
Boomers discover that it’s easy being green
Census: America, the consumerist
A new short film released today online takes viewers on a provocative tour of our consumer-driven culture — from resource extraction to iPod incineration — exposing the real costs of this use-it and lose-it approach to stuff.
Naomi Klein: Forget the green technology – the hot money is in guns
Eat, drink and be miserable: the true cost of our addiction to shopping
Clogged by plastic bags, Africa begins banning them
Managing waste should be a major concern for all of us – I decided to find out more about how it’s done here in Bundaberg. Why not do some research and find out waste management differs in your area?
We can be garbage free
N.Y. activist preaches deliverance from retail
EB Review: The Humanure Handbook
From sewage, water for drinking
The (benign) water cops are here
Planetary check-up starts with oceans
Tom Engelhardt: We face worldwide drought with no contingency plan
The ‘stuff’ we buy hurts the birds we love
A future for fishing
Earth’s eighth continent – trash
Marketplace radio series: Is the consumer economy sustainable?
Greek Orthodox leader calls for “less sinful” use of energy resources
Weekend Carbon Emissions
New Sustainability Magazine in Ireland
Green chemistry’s ‘race to innovation’
Bottled water’s environmental backlash
Rain barrels and rain runoff
Buddhist dumpster diving
The plastic fantastic recycling trap
Bill McKibben: What rhymes with waste-heat recovery?
Kenyan slum saves trees, cleans streets with big trash oven
How to build a local energy economy
Mammoth wind farm slated for S. Dakota
Viability of Antarctic windfarm
‘Wall of money’ set to flow into Asian renewable energy
No place like home – for waste heat
Some ‘vampires’ prefer energy over blood
Britain’s ‘pay as you throw’ rubbish tax
New York City may join crackdown on plastic bags