Food & agriculture – May 9
A taste of wines to come with climate change (Chateau China?)
Britons wasting £10bn worth of food a year
Oxfam’s Kripke on biofuels, food prices
A taste of wines to come with climate change (Chateau China?)
Britons wasting £10bn worth of food a year
Oxfam’s Kripke on biofuels, food prices
San Francisco committed to recycling, ready for more
A woman, a village and a war on plastic bags
Junkie nation: U.S. selling its scrap
Urban miners look for precious metals in cell phones
In Cairo slum, the poor spark environmental change
Book-swapping for the eco-aware reader
Shops ration sales of rice as US buyers panic
Plastic garden pots trashing the planet?
A steamy solution to global warming
Recycling waste heat from power plants
Local power: Community Choice Aggregation
Efficiency: the unloved solution that works
Putting your home on an energy diet
In Africa, outages stifle a boom
Plastics: adored, deplored and ubiquitous
First town in Europe to ban plastic bags
Schools offered uniforms made from old bottles
Harnessing biology, and avoiding oil, for chemical goods
Setting sail for Garbage Island (floating plastics)
Brazil builds £10m condom factory to help save rainforest
Recyclers suffer from clutter
Are you a cloth bag snob?
Living off the fat of the land: grease theft
Cheap solar panels and dodgy installations
Discussions of net energy often miss the energy costs of distributing energy and putting it to its end use. These systems costs pose a major challenge to some proposed alternative energy sources, but they also offer support for an old but neglected response to today’s energy predicament.
Scorned trash pickers become global environmental force
New green query: how often do you shower?
Project laundry list: “Hanging out” is time well spent
Renewable energy – the gritty reality
Bambi and Nemo are ‘unsung heroes of the green lobby’
Greed in the name of green- eco-consumerism
Cradle to cradle design
What if the MSM simply can’t cover humanity’s self-destruction?
Paper or plastic?
Chinese plastic bag maker closes
How different countries deal with the problem
Seas awash with plastic rubbish
Human shadows on the seas