Food & agriculture – Feb 19

Peak oil and food security talk by Patrick Holden of UK Soil Assn
Hamburgers are the Hummers of food in global warming: scientists
How African Farmers are Dealing with Climate Change
U.N. says food production may fall 25 percent by 2050
Massive effort underway to save endangered seeds
Fresh ideas for waste food

Review: Not One Drop by Riki Ott

Riki Ott’s book Not One Drop is a history of the Exxon Valdez oil spill, told from the perspective of those most affected by it. Cutting through the cloak of willful deception, public relations campaigns and skewed, corporate-sponsored science, it finally exposes the truth about Exxon Valdez‘s devastating effects on the city of Cordova, Alaska, the fishing community where the spill struck.