Protect the Earth. Live Simply… Our Future Depends On It.
In November and December of 2015, I visited a couple of places in India that inspired some questions and thoughts about what is involved in protecting the earth.
In November and December of 2015, I visited a couple of places in India that inspired some questions and thoughts about what is involved in protecting the earth.
A Simpler Way is a documentary about simple living, permaculture, and local economy as a response to global crises.
The only way for us to win is not to play.
The simple life is almost as hard to define as it is to live.
I believe it was Oscar Wilde who said: “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
In the century and a half since transcendentalist thinker Henry David Thoreau first coined the term “voluntary poverty,” it has been variously a buzzword, a meme within environmental circles and a dreaded epithet smelling of sacrifice and deprivation.
Voluntary simplicity is most basically characterized by the practices of mindfulness and material sufficiency. Through bringing mindfulness to our daily lives, we seek the maximum of well-being achievable through the minimum of material consumption. Well-being applies to all life forms on Earth, not just people.
In my imagination, the confining wall is the whole of consumer culture.
For years I’ve talked to people about voluntary simplicity, and for years people have responded with: “What’s that thing you’re involved in—that self-deprivation movement?”