Transport – July 16

England’s pork barrel politics is paying for airlines to burn the planet
Groups plan pedal power for the homeless
Ontario looks to jolt electric car market
On the Streets of China, Electric Bikes Are Swarming
Get wired (again): Trolleybuses and Trolleytrucks

Deep thought – July 6

Bugging Out
How Politics Works and Why Activism is So Important
Risk Assessments: Playing the “What If?” Game
The Future of Transport
Dopamine Returned on Energy Invested (DREI)?
Tällberg Forum 2009
One Second After: A Book Review from a Prepper’s Perspective
Ruins of a Second Gilded Age

Grains and how we get them – July 12

This post talks about a seldom-mentioned aspect of local sustainable food production: how do we get our carbs? Local and urban fruit and veg production is all very well and needs to be encouraged, but as East Anglia Food Link Coordinator Tully Wakeman says, “…fruit and veg supplies only about 10% of our calories”. How and where our grains are grown, and how they can be sustainably transported and processed form the crux of this issue.

Investing in durability

If you are planning to withdraw, please tell me where you’re going, and send directions. If not, it’s time to start thinking about how you and your family or tribe will muddle through the years ahead. One word comes to mind: durability. If that wasn’t the first word that came to your mind, I’m not surprised.