New Zealand: Greens challenge freeway extension
“State Highway 20 is a waste of public money at a time when climate change, local air pollution and oil depletion will all be much worse by the time it is opened.”
“State Highway 20 is a waste of public money at a time when climate change, local air pollution and oil depletion will all be much worse by the time it is opened.”
China’s railway system is near collapse and the Chinese economy seems to have entered a vicious cycle.
Coal’s stability in high temperatures could make it an ideal fuel for the next generation of military aircraft.
You may not soon be able to refuel your car with corn syrup or charge a computer by plugging it into a bottle of Coca-Cola. But to Stanley Kravitz and a group of researchers at Sandia National Laboratories, sugar looks like the new oil.
Encouraging travellers to switch from cars and airlines to inter-city trains brings no benefits for the environment, new research has concluded.
Although gas prices are on the rise Americans still love their big cars.
Gas prices finally headed down last week. But the pattern over the last 30 years suggests that this is bad news for anyone who believes that Americans, the world’s biggest oil consumers, can ever curb their energy consumption.
There is also the possibility we’re living through the early phases of something much bigger than just another temporary “crisis” and which history will record as a turning point.
Automakers see ‘gold rush,’ others fear impact on environment
Now that OPEC has agreed to raise its crude oil production quotas in hopes of taming high and jittery oil prices, industry experts are growing more concerned about both the capacity and the security of oil tankers, the next link in the supply chain.
Without cheap oil, the only safe option is to start dismantling our complex economies
THIS SUMMER, with gasoline prices reaching $2 per gallon across America, Ford Motor Co. will begin selling the first gas-electric hybrid SUV.