Extreme Energy and Reason
The topic of ‘extreme energy’ should be a relatively easy one to dispense with for any reasonably informed Transitioner.
The topic of ‘extreme energy’ should be a relatively easy one to dispense with for any reasonably informed Transitioner.
We can pretend everything is OK on Main Street, or we can actually try to fix it.
Time spent here, and talking to people, gives a sense of just how powerful the forces of nature are, and how we tamper with them at our peril.
Think global, act local, globally. That’s got to be the next step for this broader movement…
As I look back from the year 2033, I would like to be able to tell you that the transition to our low-carbon society was smooth and rational. I would like to be able to tell you that, as a democracy, we shaped our nation with sensible, evidence-based decisions, and built a just and sustainable world through intelligent planning and bold leadership.
So what is Transition Network’s position on fracking?
Transition Network’s Transition Launch training, the training designed to support people getting started making Transition happen where they live is now up and running.
On this lonely edge, so much older and unwise, my only answer is to dream.
Our intention would…be to lay the foundation for long-term relationships between our different communities, hoping this would lead to more collaborations, and strengthen each of our communities…
What was it that made Transition so comprehensible, exciting, and respectable, while permaculture seemed diffuse, slow-growing, and smelling a bit of patchouli oil?
One of the most illuminating voices in the British media at the moment is Nafeez Ahmed, who has been regularly writing about peak oil, climate change, geopolitics and how they all overlap…
Transitioning includes reinvigoration of heirloom technologies and traditional skills needed to thrive in a carbon-constrained future.