The City as Commons
A commons-based economy cannot thrive without appropriate institutions, especially those that represent a "partner state" approach.
A commons-based economy cannot thrive without appropriate institutions, especially those that represent a "partner state" approach.
What’s the difference between "public space" and "place"?
The creation of what we now call capitalism, with its deification of private property and free…markets, has been a conscious project spanning a number of centuries.
Despite the deepening crisis of neoliberalism in Europe, no clear alternative critiques or philosophical approaches have emerged that could catalyze a united response or new convergence of movements.
Artist Seitu Jones and neighbors create a groundbreaking park in St. Paul’s poorest and most diverse neighborhood
We stand at a precipice in history that demands that the human species achieve some fairly unprecedented evolutionary advances.
At a time when governments are failing abysmally to mitigate climate change, reduce inequality or end poverty, the key to creating a more equal and sustainable world is establishing participative forms of political engagement at all levels of society – from the local to the global.
The records show that efficiencies can indeed foster per-capita decreases in consumption, but it may come as a surprise to many that, at the community level, the drive to enhance efficiency usually results in an increase in overall water consumption!
To me, a commons transition speaks to the process of communities progressively controlling and self-governing more and more of their collective resources, by and for themselves and future generations.
The occupation of Augusta Park in the Brazilian city of São Paulo…opens a new breakthrough in the global cycle of occupations: the proposal of a commons-oriented park.
Community Land Trusts, JAK, CoopHab and the WiR Co-operative Bank demonstrate today that there are viable ways to deliver access to land and money as a democratic commons that eliminates usury.
Access to land and the cost of that access are essential to the provision of affordable housing. Likewise, access to money, and the cost of that access, are issues fundamental to economic health.