Oil industry – Sept 22

High costs threaten oil sands projects
Oil companies split on demands by exporting countries
Hofmeister of Shell Oil podcast

Suits say US impeded audits for oil leases

Dems want hearings on Interior Dept “corruption”
Factors that pushed oil price up now push it down

How periodic are oil price fluctuations?

Oil Sands: Burning Energy to Produce It

Everything about the Alberta oil sands development is impossibly big. Monster-sized trucks and giant excavators are carving up hundreds of square kilometres of land, thousands of kilometres of pipelines and roads have been laid, and millions of litres of water are being super-heated to process millions of tonnes of rock and sand.

Peak oil – July 21

James Howard Kunstler on relocalization and peak oil (audios) / Forum on Michigan’s Energy Future – July 22 / Sustainable Lifestyles Symposium Aug 20-25, Ontarion CAN / Peak oil and education /
Of oilsands and caviar and Malthus

Oil sands – July 10

The Canadian oil sands will not save us / Interview with EnCana spokesman Protti / Some oilsands projects could end up shelved – rising costs / Cost of Athabasca could hit $20-billion /
Oilsands: Alberta’s gravy train – ‘single largest hydrocarbon deposit on the Earth’ / Canada’s oilsands rush hits the buffers

Other energy – June 16

Diversify: Solar power for the Gulf /
Top five oil companies focus on developing existing reserves /
2006 version of BP Statistical Review of World Energy /
Canada wrests oil from sands, but at what cost? /
China: Oil giants plan to cut exports