If We Want Sustainable Food Systems, it’s All About the Money!
Essentially, we have a dishonest food pricing system and if this was corrected, sustainable farming methods would more than hold their own economically.
Essentially, we have a dishonest food pricing system and if this was corrected, sustainable farming methods would more than hold their own economically.
The following day, in Louvain-le-Neuve, Olivier de Schutter gave a presentation in which he used the term ‘Partner State’, his vision of the state getting alongside bottom-up community action, allowing the ideas and inspiration to rise up from below, and seeing their role as being to remove obstacles and to help things to flourish. My strong sense from everyone I spoke to in Liege was that that looks like the very model that is unfolding in Liege.
In an age of disruptive change, where trends in global politics shift at an unprecedented rate, civil society organisations could be the only solution capable of grounding the debate on sustainable food and pushing for the change so urgently needed.
In 2014, the French government recruited cross-party support to pass a new law for agriculture, food and forestry driven by a new-found commitment to agroecology.
…the beauty of Kaua’i is legendary. Yet most of the roughly one million visitors…don’t realize that Kaua’i grows only a small fraction of the food that’s eaten here.