Green power’s potential
Summary of the major forms of renewable energy, and how they are being implemented locally in Ohio.
Summary of the major forms of renewable energy, and how they are being implemented locally in Ohio.
Solar electricity production growth jumped 67 percent last year as established industry players increased output and new players entered the industry, a survey said.
For too long religions have been silent on this important matter. Despite the huge resistance to change, the ridicule, and the censorship awaiting those who publically espouse limits to material growth, we must together put aside our fears and move metaphorical mountains, even eventually without oil.
It would seem that – in addition to Peak Oil – we are at a time of Peak Technology… there are no new technologies we can look to for solutions to the end of fossil fuels.
The International Energy Agency’s Solar Heating and Cooling Programme and major solar thermal trade associations have published new statistics on the use of solar thermal energy. The new data – expressed for the first time in GWth, rather than in square meters of installed collector area – shows the global installed capacity to be 70 GWth (70.000 MWth).
Here is a bright little village in Andhra Pradesh that is all solar and smoke-free — the first of its kind in the country.
As the energy crisis intensifies, a myriad of technical solutions are being proposed. Governments, corporations and scientists are not offering new creative solutions, not because they are failing to make strong efforts, but because energy itself is a very mature industry.
SPAIN wants to take advantage of its sunshine by making solar panels compulsory in new and renovated buildings — to save fuel costs and to improve the environment.
Citing recent success in alternative power, GE Energy, a subsidiary of General Electric Co. is hoping to boost its solar energy sales to $1 billion annually by the end of the decade, the head of GE’s solar business said.
Solar panels are in short supply because many manufacturers are sending their available product to Germany and Japan, where they can be sold for more.
Overview of photovoltaics: costs, government policies, potential. Has a pretty good description of the current state of the industry. See original for several nice figures.
It is still unclear where most of our energy will come from in the longer-term future. A promising new contender is emerging: the harnessing of photosynthesis.