Sun and sea – Aug 8
Energy from the restless sea / How Australia got hot for solar power / India is rapidly developing solar energy
Energy from the restless sea / How Australia got hot for solar power / India is rapidly developing solar energy
Northwest land rush to build wind farms / Texas tops in wind energy production /
Hot German July doesn’t faze farmer who reaps the sun
E3 Biofuels: Responsible Ethanol /
UK’s Blair Signals Support for Nuclear Power /
MPs warned of UK’s fragile energy supply /
U.S. Grants 1st License for Major Nuclear Plant in 30 Years /
Asia Shows Solar Power is Not Just for the Rich
Hey kids! It’s a DIY solar thermal panel! / SF mayor: Catch a wave to make power / UK homeowners get green light for ‘eyesore’ wind turbines / Large-scale, cheap solar electricity
The energy payback time of photovoltaic (PV) cells has been a contentious issue for more than a decade. Is solar PV really an ‘energy sink’? Bankier and Gale review the research.
Retired nuclear physicist discovers peak oil / Companies embracing sustainability / Rural Kenya women replace wood fires with solar cookers /
Father of energy efficiency to get Fermi Award / Tour of the Maple Ridge wind farm /
Message board activism: the blogosphere’s mext level / Trolling for dollars (Netvocates)
Peak Moment TV: Community Responses to a Changing Energy Future /
Relocalization – Our Only Solution to Peak Oil /
Mass Natural (on Wal-Mart organics) /
The Grass-Fed Revolution /
Chinese take to solar-powered water heaters /
Australian science body: Solar thermal will soon match coal
Watching ‘The Power of Community’ with family /
Energy’s ‘three Rs’: a primer /
Build community, invest for post-collapse, get your blog read /
Solar power – seriously souped up /
Green building goes big
Silicon supply could limit solar energy boom /
The nuclear wisdom of young Blair /
China bets big on coal-to-oil projects /
Oil shortages hit Iraq with onset of summer heat
Jeff Vail: valuing elegance /
Resurgence issue on sustainability /
CSIRO sustainability newsletter #58 /
Fossil-free landscaping / Cassandra without portfolio: Maine’s Edward Myers
Natural gas economy is losing steam /
Hydrogen fuel far from ready for prime time /
Solar surprise: fed support for renewables R&D /
Oil companies won’t fish /
NYT: Ethanol’s promise
Gorbachev Urges G8 to Back Solar Power, Not Oil or Nuclear /
Energy and the airline industry /
Fuel Prices Have U.S. Workers Eyeing Telecommuting /
Computer energy use under scrutiny (Wind-up or solar powered PCs?) /