Enabling Wind, Sun To Be Our Main Power Supplies: Quest for Storage — “Holy Grail” of New Energy Economy — Nears Goal

For decades the “Holy Grail” of the New Energy Economy has been to find ways to store wind and solar energy. The answers are here, and they are much more plain and simple than we thought. Like Indiana Jones in his Last Crusade, we need to see the Grail that is right before our eyes. The means to enable solar and wind energy to serve as our primary energy supplies are at hand.

Renewables & efficiency – Aug 7

-India sets out ambitious solar power plan to be paid for by rich nations
-Asian giants put the West’s targets for solar energy in the shade
-Boom in hydropower pits fish against climate
-Are wind farms a health risk? US scientist identifies ‘wind turbine syndrome’

Desertec: power to the people or just another mirage? – July 27

– Matthias Reinig on Desertec Industrial Initiative
– Desertec Solar Project Shows That Green Investors Can’t Afford to be Too Green If They Want to Make $$
– European power from the desert is a Fata Morgana
– Stewart Taggart at Desertec-Australia on clean power from deserts worldwide

Interview with Charlie Maxwell (Part 1 of 2)

“What struck me the most, as a surprise, is the virulence in the downtrend in the world economy. That’s a negative for the peak oil story, but only a temporary negative. By crushing demand, we are in effect gaining two more years, maybe three, in which we in the consuming world have added to our time before the peak, and could take good advantage of, since the peak is right upon us-I have it still at 2015 for all liquids.” (Charlie Maxwell is the life-long oil industry analyst viewed by Barrons’ magazine as their energy guru.)