The conservation imperative: energy limits to growth and the path to sustainability – part II

This content is no longer available. It was a pre-publication draft of a section of “Energy Limits to Growth,” a report that will be published in expanded form by Post Carbon Institute and International Forum on globalization in May.

Peak oil – Sept 11

Hurricane Ike -‘Within the current NHC storm path lies about 5 million bpd of US petroleum refining capacity’
An urban legend to comfort America: oil is oil, even if it is not oil
Energy vision 2050
Zac Goldsmith on PO
Hamish McRae: Cheap oil is not in our interest
NASA study shows how PO could impact climate
‘Smart water’ may boost oil production

Searching the “Panacea Pantry” for a quick fix

Last week a Colorado senator published an article that offered a nuanced take on the prospects for oil shale development. He concluded: “To the boosters who think they have found the answer to our energy crisis, I say: We welcome you to our quest to develop oil shale on a commercial scale. But first let’s put the horse back in front of the cart and all start pulling in the same direction. A reckless approach that heightens the risk of an oil shale bust would only set us back.”