The long road down: decline and the deindustrial future

The crucial needs that must be met in an age of decline are damage control, cultural survival, and the building of a new society amid the ruins of the old. Political and business interests aren’t going to meet these needs, or do anything else helpful; oil is to the modern industrial nations what corn was to the ancient Maya, and the ahauob of Washington and Wall Street have turned to war just as their Maya equivalents did.

Prices and Production over a complete Hubbert Cycle: the Case of the American Whale Fisheries in 19th Century

Grasping the reality of Hubberts peak is difficult for many, possibly because crude oil may be the first nonrenewable resource to pass through such a peak. But a resource does not need to be a nonrenewable to show a Hubbert curve. A biological resource which is exploited much faster than it is replaced may also follow a bell-curve, and the whaling industry of the 19th Century a good example.