Farming Bounded By Our Biological Boundaries – Part 2
A sustainable food system is one that will be able to generate nutrients from natural sources, and without using fossil-fuel supplied energy.
A sustainable food system is one that will be able to generate nutrients from natural sources, and without using fossil-fuel supplied energy.
We need to move forward with agroecological regenerative mixed rotational farming that embraces a holistic engagement with the land that is farmed, ensuring that everything in and on it has a place within a frame of practice that could be called ‘Ecology Now’.
Community Managed Natural Farming (CMNF) eschews the use of synthetic chemical fertilisers, pesticides, and herbicides, catalyzing a radical paradigm shift from conventional chemical based farming to agroecological-based natural farming methods across the state.
The golden rule of agriculture is the land is borrowed from our kids.
Farming can help to prepare for climate change, as well as feeding the population. But the merits of agriculture are often forgotten.
We at TomKat Ranch hope that this article, and hopefully many others that will follow in its footsteps, will show that a transition to regenerative agriculture must not only be scientific and data-driven, but also empathetic, patient, and committed to building trusting and supportive relationships.
Through adopting a proactive, climate-oriented and environmental justice focus in its agriculture, land management and water management policies, Australia has the potential to manage the significant pressures of climate change.
The backdrop for the emergence of regenerative agriculture, and its emphasis on soil as a fulcrum of farming has been the ongoing, worsening ecological crisis and the phenomenon of climate change.
Regenerative agriculture seeks to re-integrate knowledge of the soil food web and the biology of soils into agricultural thought processes and decision-making, and to apply this knowledge to both short- and long-term decisions.
Regenerative Agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and enhances ecosystem services.
On a European and global level, it can be observed that not only corporations but also decision-makers repeatedly resort to terms such as “regenerative” or “agroecological” if they want to avoid verifiable changes to the system and therefore want to avoid the explicit naming of organic farming, because it is clearly defined and leaves no room for interpretation.
While the practices ‘sustainable farming’ promote are important, they do not encompass the deep cultural and relational changes needed to realize our collective healing.
Land stewardship and sustainable organic farming are deeply rooted principles for Albert and his mission-driven business.