An Energy Diet for a Healthy Planet – Part II
Now one might think with all these heat losses that going all-electric isn’t a good idea until all our electricity is produced by hydro and renewables. One would be wrong.
Now one might think with all these heat losses that going all-electric isn’t a good idea until all our electricity is produced by hydro and renewables. One would be wrong.
Before the COP21 meetings in Paris, I had never attended an international negotiation of any kind. Based on my experiences at the talks, I brought back to Nepal new and sometimes alarming understandings that will guide me in my continued activism for justice and climate change.
When we first heard about Sholai School, located amidst the pristine nature of the Palani Hills in the southeastern Indian state of Tamil Nadu, we were so captivated by its description that we decided to take a local bus to visit the establishment.
I’m a climate scientist who doesn’t fly…I’d assumed that electricity and driving were my largest sources of emissions. Instead, it turned out that the 50,000 miles I’d flown that year.
We need to work together to create a “biosphere smart” economy
I live in the nation with the highest rates of personal consumption and energy use ever seen on earth, and I live small.
The accelerating climate crisis requires massive mobilization of populations to take back control of our lives through resistance, replacement, and resilience.
Setting aside some of my big ambitions — studying, writing, trying to amass twitter followers — to simply move slowly evolved my understanding of how to degrow.
More than a hundred years of consumer capitalism and the free labor of fossil fuels have left most of us ill-equipped to contemplate the essentials of life and the value of work.
Our narrator ventures out of Toledo into a tier one rural county and sees one of the alternative cultures taking shape in the Lakeland Republic.
As this year wraps up and the footage for our feature-length documentary, A Simpler Way: Crisis as Opportunity, goes away to the editor, I’m planning a trip to New Zealand to make a series of short films about all kinds of inspiring people and projects.
After a two-century-long burning bender, the globe is in for a heck of a hangover.