Deep thought – Jan 9
Comparative planetology: interview with Kim Stanley Robinson
Does the future need a legal guardian?
Jared Diamond: What’s your consumption factor?
Dr. Albert Bartlett in depth (transcript)
Comparative planetology: interview with Kim Stanley Robinson
Does the future need a legal guardian?
Jared Diamond: What’s your consumption factor?
Dr. Albert Bartlett in depth (transcript)
The U. S. Social Security system is said to be the third rail of American politics; touch it and you die. Politically, that is. But there is another broader issue that seems to have become the third rail for world politics: overpopulation.
The impact of population and consumption is so profound that they may outpace any potential environmental benefits from industrial modernization and improving technologies.
Fertility rate in USA on upswing
Humanity is the greatest challenge
Driving the human ecological footprint
Who Knew? Albert Bartlett interview
The crisis that dares not say its name
Interview with Ronald Cooke (Cultural Economist)
Albert Bartlett interview (population)
Some convenient truths
2007: The Great Unraveling begins
Astyk: The best books about nearly everything
Monbiot: Leave fossil fuels in the ground
Perennial crops: The garden that keeps giving
Localise and go organic to avert post-peak famine – Heinberg
Biofuel and diet sow seeds of farm crunch (Malthus revisited)
Down on the farm with your sleeves rolled up
Some plants you should consider growing
The world’s unsustainable population
Three’s a crowd
The world’s expected carrying capacity in a post industrial agrarian society
Saving the ecosystems of Middle Earth
John Michael Greer: the politics of transition
Monbiot on The Road by Cormac McCarthy
The Fat Man, the Population Bomb and the Green Revolution
Peak oil and famine
‘Oil production has peaked’ according to al-Huseini (former head of exploration and production at Saudi Aramco)
China to reach peak oil production as early as 2015 says leading scholar in Beijing
“Requiem for Fossil Fuels” performed in NYC
Kunstler: Assumptions
Downloadable peak oil presentation
Kenneth Deffeyes on feedback loops
ODAC news
Are boys an endangered species?
Mother fears ‘stinky neighborhood’ caused son’s cancer
Dioxin pollution leads to more baby girls: study
China’s surplus of sons: Geopolitical time bomb
Harbor seals may help determine effect of eating toxic fish
Juan Cole: Oil peak or peak oil?
New Scientist reviews Crude Awakening
Oilwatch Monthly – October 2007
World energy and population: trends to 2100
Earth’s natural wealth: an audit