China population – Mar 12
One-child policy ‘pays off’ for GHG emissions
China mulls change to one-child policy
One-child policy ‘pays off’ for GHG emissions
China mulls change to one-child policy
The New Green Deal of 2009
Can we survive?
Norman Church: The elephant in the room
Personal survival in a world gone mad
The UK has until recently been one of the most resilient economies in the world. Over the last 100 years, it has survived two world wars, staged spectacular economic recoveries, been blessed with energy resources, and evolved from manufacturer to the world into a service economy. But the position in which it now finds itself looks bleaker.
“The bottom line is that China and the world are accelerating in the fog toward a precipice.” (Interview of ecologist Paul Ehrlich.)
The footprint of a cheeseburger
FT: Food and the spectre of Malthus
‘Panic’ wheat buying across the US
Breadbasket inflation
US urged to fight fuel demand with cost
Oil sands ‘most destructive project on earth’
Alberta premier Ed Stelmach strikes back
Absence of climate issue in primaries
Population growth and depleting resources…
U.S. work force moves to green-collar jobs
Roubini: Economy risks the mother of all meltdowns
Missing: the ‘right’ babies
Hierarchy is the result of dependency
Entropy is the problem, not energy
Infrastructure for the future we want
Peak oil movement in Israel
Sustainability implications of peak population?
Replacing ourselves
Hierarchy must grow, and is therefore unsustainable
I am human, I’m American, and I’m an addict…
The Tata Nano strikes back – Does Jeavons’ Paradox apply to productivity, too?
Jeffersonian agrarianism and the question of slavery
A material world
On Monbiot’s population comments
I was involved in one of those periodic discussions that spring up about The Limits To Growth recently and found myself wondering, not for the first time, if other people have read a completely different version of the book to the one I possess.
If abortion were put into the context of the long history of human attempts to avoid starvation by regulating population growth, we might come to a different conclusion about what “pro-life” really means.
Monbiot: Population growth pales against greed of the rich
The truth everyone knows, but no one says
Background on population and sustainability