Dying Wisdom
Though death is an inevitable part of life, do we really act as if we know we’re going to die?
Though death is an inevitable part of life, do we really act as if we know we’re going to die?
Americans are now receiving unsubtle messages from the universe that perhaps we have reached our limits, and it is time to stop trying to grow the economy.
Unlike other jobs, cooperatives promote [the} development and growth of workers.
Suggestions on how society might better adapt, physically and psychologically, to what’s ahead.
My favourite statistic at the moment is that healthy, happy, resilient workplaces, teams, friendships and relationships have a ratio of at least 3:1 positive to negative statements.
I see celebration as one of those things that nourishes us psychologically, emotionally, spiritually. I was thinking about this also in terms of how important celebration is in keeping us going.
I believe it was Oscar Wilde who said: “Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else’s opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.”
"What is the change we want to see in the world, and how will that change happen?"
How can the permaculture approach can be applied to creating value — aka, capital — across the full spectrum of our lives?
Jefferson and other American revolutionary leaders including Washington, Adams and Franklin all believed that the main purpose of government was increasing the happiness of its citizens.
These troubled times prompt each of us to ask a simple, but absolutely critical question: “What should I do?”
While the ecological and infrastructure impacts of climate change are becoming ever more self-evident, what about the social impacts?