Holmgren’s ‘Crash on Demand’: be careful what you wish for

It is a rare occurence that I disagree with David Holmgren. But while there is much insight in his most recent paper, Crash on Demand, it also raises many questions and issues that I’d like to explore here. I am troubled by his conclusions, and although I understand the logic behind them, I fear that they could prove a dangerous route to go down if left unchallenged.

Food & agriculture – Dec 3

•Food Sovereignty: A Breviary
•Transforming a conventional orchard into a fruit forest
•Journal withdraws controversial French Monsanto GM study
•Dust to Dust: a man-made Malthusian crisis
•Fighting hunger through sustainable farming
•Peak soil: act now or the very ground beneath us will die
•The National Soil Project
•Hungry Americans Less Productive as Budget Cuts Deepen: Economy
•Soil tasting session coming to Bristol: "Mmmm… I’m getting earthy notes and just a hint of grass"
•Now This Is Natural Food