SNAKE OIL: Chapter 3 – A Treadmill to Hell
Hughes notes that individual shale gas well decline rates range from 80–95% after 36 months, in the top five US plays.
Hughes notes that individual shale gas well decline rates range from 80–95% after 36 months, in the top five US plays.
A Canadian family physician’s take on peak energy, peak food and peak population: "I became aware of peak oil five years ago, and since then I have been struggling to integrate this knowledge into my medical practice and family life."
Three dams are about to break, and in each case a calamity is being postponed—though not, in these cases, by the heroic digits of fictitious Dutch children.
Africa as a whole is going to face two major problems in the 21st century: food security and adapting to climate change.
Recent US shale oil growth sits on top of a bumpy production plateau of the rest-of-the-world (ROW).
Even if forecasting the exact date of the peak is a fool’s errand, only a fool would miss the signs that the world oil industry has entered a new, desperate era. Discoveries are down, costs are up. Production has flatlined, environmental impacts from petroleum operations are soaring.
It’s election time in Germany and energy policy is high on the agenda. The country’s Energiewende, a real energy revolution, is playing havoc with traditional utilities
A new phrase has entered our energy lexicon—peak oil demand.
The notion that fossil fuels are supply-constrained has gone from being generally dismissed, to being partially accepted, to being vociferously dismissed. Who are the players in this game, and who’s winning?
Certainly world oil production did not stop growing in 2005. Last year’s total was estimated by the EIA to be 4.8 million barrels higher each day than it had been in 2005.
Behind the conflict in Syria are the long-term issues of climate change (drought) and control of oil resources. Here are the latest excerpts from analyses and reader opinions.
Peak oil provides a complete worldview that sheds light on everything that’s happening in the world. Those who don’t understand the bell curve are condemned to follow it.