What is the price of oil telling us?

Market fundamentalists tell us that prices convey information. Yet, while our barbers and hairdressers might be able to give us an extended account of why their prices have changed in the last few years, commodities such as oil–which reached a six-year low last week–stand mute. To fill that silence, many people are only too eager to speak for oil.

Why EIA, IEA, and BP Oil Forecasts are Too High

EIA, IEA, and BP forecasts miss the issue of low prices, and what they do to the possibility of future oil production. We get lulled into thinking that current prices are almost high enough, but they really are not. Companies really need to have enough funds on a cash flow basis, and on this basis they seem to need about $130 per barrel now, and more later. The likelihood of getting prices up to this high level seems very low.

Changes to Total Global Credit Affects The Oil Price

In this post I present results from an analysis of developments to the annual changes in total debt in the private, non financial sector of some Advanced Economies (AE’s), and 5 Emerging Economies (EME’s) from Q1 2000 and as of Q3 2014 with data from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS in Basel, Switzerland).