Oil production in decline

Producers currently discover about one barrel of “new oil” for every four barrels that are consumed worldwide, and there have been no large oil or gas discoveries in recent years. Anywhere. It gets worse. The world’s largest oilfields have been producing for many decades and now require heroic measures (such as pumping in seawater or steam) to coax the oil from the ground.

World Oil Crisis Looms

Geologists and analysts have been saying for some time that estimates of global oil reserves may be dangerously exaggerated. The oil industry has been gripped by scandal since Royal Dutch/Shell twice this year downgraded its proven oil reserves by 20 per cent, or nearly 4bn barrels. Shell may not be alone. Other companies and even governments have hyped up the estimates of how much oil they have, which is a vital factor in measuring their economic health…. About four-fifths of the world’s known oil reserves lie in politically unstable or contested regions.