Is the party over?

The following article was first published by Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung on Sunday 23 May 2004.
Oil is scarcer than ever.  The price for petrol is at record levels.  The economy, consumers and of course politicians are all worried.  Therefore, an urgent appeal to oil producing countries has been made to pump more into the market so that prices once again fall.  As in the past, this could happen again; but next year, perhaps, no longer, and thereafter, never again.

CERA examines possible global impact of China’s energy situation

“China’s growing weight in world consumption virtually assures a heavy long-term impact on energy prices, trade, and investment. In a decade, China has gone from self-sufficiency to being the most dynamic factor in the world oil market and one of the main elements in today’s $40-plus per barrel price,” said the report by Daniel Yergin and Scott Roberts.