New Book Promotion: The End of the Oil Age
Promotional text about a new book on Peak Oil by From The Wilderness Energy Editor, Dale Allen Pfeiffer.
Promotional text about a new book on Peak Oil by From The Wilderness Energy Editor, Dale Allen Pfeiffer.
WITH heavy investment fund buying driving oil prices up 27 per cent this year to a 21-year high, opinion is divided on whether large funds are buying on the basis of solid market fundamentals or creating a bubble, the Financial Times said.
The U.S. Agriculture Department’s chief economist, Keith Collins, said rising energy and fertilizer costs could add $1 billion to U.S. crop production costs.
Natural gas volumes needed to help the oil industry unlock Canada’s vast oil sands are expected to nearly triple in the next decade, just as production is waning and prices are surging, the country’s energy regulator said Thursday.
As gas prices loft into the stratosphere, likely never to come down, we can expect to hear much doomsaying about how this will end the world as we know it. Let’s hope so.
The only certain beneficiaries of this coming economic chaos will be the big five oil corporations and their corrupt partners: the Nigerian generals, Saudi princes, Russian kleptocrats, and their ilk. Crude oil truly will become black gold.
If the Saudis plan to unilaterally boost their supply of crude oil, regardless of what the OPEC cartel decides to do — a promise the Saudi Arabian oil minister made last week — then why have crude prices continued to climb?
U.S. oil refiner ConocoPhillips turned down an offer to take extra oil from top OPEC exporter Saudi Arabia because the oil was too heavy a grade, a trader at the company said on Tuesday.
LONDON — The Royal Dutch/Shell Group downgraded the size of its proven oil and gas reserves yesterday for the fourth time this year as the oil giant continued to stumble over a scandal that shocked the markets and forced the resignation of three top executives.
The Oil and Gas Journal published on May 17th an article by Mr Sadad al-Husseini, who was until recently an Executive Vice-President of Saudi Aramco. He refers to the doubts raised by ASPO regarding the validity of the 260 Gb (billion barrels) claimed by the country as remaining reserves, admitting that a policy of withholding technical information has given grounds for uncertainty.
Secret policy changes made oil and gas development the dominant use of federal lands.[US]
The journalist’s rule says: follow the money. This rule, however, is not really axiomatic but derivative, in that money, as even our vice president will tell you, is really a way of tracking energy. We’ll follow the energy.