Scientific viewpoint or ‘religious’ belief: My cat explains energy optimism

Some ideas find their basis in fact, while others fall under the category of faith. But, then there is a vast sea of ideas parading as facts, when really, these ‘facts’ are nothing but ideology based on ideas that are empirically false or at least suspect.

The death of peak oil

"Peak oil is dead," Rob Wile declared last week. Colin Sullivan says it has "gone the way of the Flat Earth Society"…These comments inspired me to revisit some of the predictions made in 2005 that received a lot of attention at the time, and take a look at what’s actually happened since then.

Peak oil – Mar 29

•Oil majors are whistling past the graveyard •Peak Oil Is Dead [Global Oil Demand Growth – The End Is Nigh] •The Reward for Being Right About Peak Oil: Scorn Heaped With Derision •Russia Lets China Into Arctic Rush as Energy Giants Embrace

Iraq 10 years on

•An ‘Absolute Will To Forget’: Iraq Casts Shorter Shadow Than Vietnam •David Frum, the Iraq war and oil •Bombs kill nearly 60 on Iraq invasion anniversary •Hawks Defend War on Low-Key 10th Anniversary of Iraq Invasion •Search and Destroy: The rape of Iraq •Death and Dollars in the New Iraq

Victory at Hand for the Climate Movement?

There are signs the climate movement could be on the verge of a remarkable and surprising victory. If we read the current context correctly, and if the movement can adjust its strategy to capture the opportunity presented, it could usher in the fastest and most dramatic economic transformation in history. This would include the removal of the oil, coal and gas industries from the economy in just a few decades and their replacement with new industries and, for the most part, entirely new companies. It would be the greatest transfer of wealth and power between industries and countries the world has ever seen.