There is an alternative to nuclear energy

For 50 years, nuclear power has been a solution in search of a problem. Now – oh, happy days! – two of them have arrived at once. Suddenly, climate change exists: George Bush says so. After years of ridicule, the greens’ jeremiads about declining oil production are now spilling from other people’s mouths.

Japan: Police Raid Nuclear Plant Offices

Dozens of police officers on today raided the offices of Kansai Electric at the site of Japan’s worst nuclear plant accident as part of a criminal investigation into the tragedy that killed five people last month, an official said.

Nuclear plants bloom

Nuclear power is back on the march. Reviled and rejected for 25 years as man’s most dangerous and unsustainable fuel source, its friends are now billing nuclear power as the only practical way of countering climate change, oil shocks and landscape destruction in the west.