Other energy headlines – Oct 22

Chief UK scientist backs nuclear power revival /
Feuding over the origins of fossil fuels /
Bio-fuel hopes for palm oil are overstated /
Outgoing German environment minister: consign atomic energy to the past /
Expert lambastes Canada’s massive oil sands play /
Hybrid grass may prove to be valuable fuel source /

Governor Schweitzer, I have a few questions for you about coal /
Why oil intensity changed in the US economy

Other energy headlines – 27 Sept 2005

Natural gas woes bigger than crude oil /
Business braces for dramatic hikes in NG bills /
Drive less, if you can /
Food security limits China’s biofuels /
French grain & beets for ethanol surging /
China to spend $17B on 6 hyrdro plants /
Nuclear plants planned for US Gulf states /
China: Reactors? We’ll take thirty, please /
Tim Flannery on a nuclear future /
Flannery on geothermal

The fusion genie: a dream of safe, clean power in the future

Fusion energy has tantalized scientists for more than half a century as a possible source of limitless, reliable power.

But the technology to create the power of a star on Earth and use it to produce electricity remains at least five decades away, according to U.S. government experts.

In the same way that coal- burning plants sired nuclear power plants, researchers see fusion as the next step in the evolution of electric power plants.

Nuclear power’s future

In a world worried about global warming and escalating coal, oil and gas prices, the nuclear industry has seized an opportunity for rebirth.

Nuclear advocates are working to reshape the atom’s image from that of an environmental nightmare and utility bankrupter to an affordable and Earth-friendly energy source – and a hedge against future energy shortages.

Whether the inducements will convince any utility that building a new reactor is financially prudent is uncertain.

Fossil Fuel Headlines – 30 June, 2005

BP: world oil consumption hits record in 2004 /
Don’t lower taxes on oil /
Critic: Kunstler is a ‘reactionary envrionmentalist’ who isn’t nice /
Declaration of Independence from Mid-East oil /
OPEC, investment and efficiency are keys, says IEA /
Coming to terms with oil supply squeeze /
Cost of diesel worries truckers /
Greenpeace: fusion project ‘senseless stupidity’ /
Are LNG terminals safe? /
Spotlight on gasification

Exponential Enrons Ahead

There has been a lot of media focus on the $18 billion in tax incentives contained in the Senate energy bill, but almost nothing about PUHCA repeal, even though the latter is by far the greatest prize: according to Lynn Hargis the value of all regulated utilities exceeds one trillion dollars. [PUHCA = Public Utilities Holding Company Act, a cornerstone New Deal financial reform]