What is the “Social Economy”?
The social economy is composed of civil organizations and networks that are driven by the principles of reciprocity and mutuality in service to the common good – usually through the social control of capital.
The social economy is composed of civil organizations and networks that are driven by the principles of reciprocity and mutuality in service to the common good – usually through the social control of capital.
This localist agenda is part of Mayor Spencer’s ambitious program to create a fairer and more sustainable local economy whose businesses stay put and where money spends more time circulating locally among networked enterprises.
The P2P Foundation recently launched a new website, the Commons Transition Platform, as a central repository for policy ideas that help promote a wide variety of commons and peer-to-peer dynamics.
Sharing is more than a trend: it can be a business model, a city model or a lifestyle. To distinguish these three dimensions and their manifestations, it’s important to understand the culture born of the crisis and its limits.
One of the challenges that we have in this process is how to create distributed systems of organization that work, not only technology-based, but human-based.
Unbeknownst to most who have yet to venture through my beloved city, Detroit is a sharing city.
With the recent announcement that the US will normalize relations with Cuba, change is in the air for the island country. Just a few years before this, Cuba began shifting its economy from state-controlled enterprises to citizen-controlled cooperatives.
This is the vicious circle of capitalism, which is speeding up the destruction of the commons, driven by a world economy based on consumption and growth.
That’s the irony of the modern market – it can deliver a spare vehicle part from across the world, but a neighbour might not know that the mechanic with the skills to fix the vehicle lives two doors down.
We are on the verge of a major tipping point in the way civilization works.
Before anything else it seems important to say that there are lots of chapters in this book that I think are quite excellent as short pithy descriptions of the key concepts of degrowth.
When I first got involved in the co-op movement I didn’t do it because I thought the co-operative model was an end in itself.