Commentaries on the IEA WEO 2012 – peak postponed? – Nov 14

•IEA Oil Forecast Unrealistically High; Misses Diminishing Returns •2012 World Energy Outlook: James Hamilton •IEA report reminds us peak oil idea has gone up in flames •US to overtake Saudi Arabia in oil as China’s water runs dry •Did Peak Oil Doomers Fixate On a False Scenario?

Oil and gas industry uses deceptive energy independence message to push U.S. exports

With gasoline scaling $4 a gallon recently, plans announced last week by international oil giant BP to export U.S.-produced crude oil ought to have Americans howling. For such a plan to be good energy policy–rather than merely profitable for the oil industry–the United States would have to be producing more than enough oil to meet its own needs. But the country produces nowhere near that amount. Nevertheless, the industry’s deceptive campaign to make the public and policymakers believe that the United States is on the verge of energy independence seems to be succeeding–a push that is really just a smokescreen for selling the country’s oil and natural gas to the highest bidder.

ODAC Newsletter Oct 12

The International Energy Agency released a new report this week in which it took a detailed look at the prospects for the Iraqi oil and gas industry out to 2035. The conclusion is that oil production in Iraq could increase significantly by 2020 – doubling or even trebling IF, and it is a big if, there is huge investment…