Media – Oct 11
Manipulating the climate message
Environmental news selected by journalists
Burma’s internet crackdown
Media analysis: Oil laws- colonising Iraq’s economic prize
Manipulating the climate message
Environmental news selected by journalists
Burma’s internet crackdown
Media analysis: Oil laws- colonising Iraq’s economic prize
New ASPO newsletter for October
Peak oil in the media
Radio interview with Jan Lundberg
Charles Hall: Peak oil in 90 minutes
Where peak oil is wrong
Peak oil: Alternatives, renewables and impacts
New ‘positive change’ magazines thrive
Scott Adams (“Dilbert”): So you think you have an energy policy
Noam Chomsky on changes in the media
Ruminations about Stuart Staniford’s work at The Oil Drum from a Christian perspective, why he exhibits some religious virtues and why the doomer perspective does not.
Hot, parched and sinking – apocalypse Sydney
Australia in climate crisis: Garrett
Climate change inevitable, says CSIRO
Tim Flannery: How we can save ourselves
The climate change challenge cup
Recasting Big Oil’s battered image
Tough new rule may stop wells flaring in BC
Review: Stupid to the Last Drop (Alberta tar sands)
Vaclav Havel: Our moral footprint
Sharon Astyk: The water fountain
Global food shock real, says former Australian political leader
The Internet: our last hope for a free press
With every passing month, evidence peak world oil production has either passed or is getting very close becomes stronger. Unfortunately, public and congressional recognition of this situation remains virtually zero.