Grown in Totnes
An exciting food project called Grown in Totnes has started trading in this South Devon market town, selling processed grains, peas and flours to local shops, bakers and colleges.
An exciting food project called Grown in Totnes has started trading in this South Devon market town, selling processed grains, peas and flours to local shops, bakers and colleges.
We promote systems thinking, and resiliency, which is like self-sufficiency—not "I’m an island," but more, "I’m accountable." And because I’m accountable, I can work collectively.
On September 26, Governor Jerry Brown signed SELC’s Neighborhood Food Act, AB 2561, and several other bills seeking to promote local and sustainable food systems in California.
Over the past five years, Revision has helped more than 240 low-income families in southwest Denver to grow food in their yards by providing needed resources and technical assistance.
Last month it was reported in the press that average consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables had fallen in the UK by 30% since the recession, to only around half the amount needed to make up out 5-a-day recommended by the government. Growing our own food locally is a way to fill this gap; along with many other Transition practices, it is a way to save money and ensure we have what we need when times are hard, one of the ways we can make our communities more resilient.