Keeping the Smoke Hole Open: Excerpt
The mess out there is because of a mess in here. Inner and outer talk to each other.
That’s the truth of things.
Let’s get to work.
The mess out there is because of a mess in here. Inner and outer talk to each other.
That’s the truth of things.
Let’s get to work.
Christabel Rose Reed is a yoga teacher, yoga therapist and activist. She is on a mission to link inner transformation with social change and empower people to embark on the entwined journey of inner and outer healing. Christabel addresses the question of “What Could Possibly Go Right?”
In her current work, Baker helps others prepare emotionally and spiritually for the difficult future humanity faces as our ecological crisis deepens. Her latest book, Dark Gold, examines the role that she believes shadow work can play in this journey.
I’ve been thinking a lot in the past months about the question of sustainability in the long and short term – not of our society, or the planet but of people and groups within the Transition movement itself.
"In order to understand the world, one has to turn away from it on occasion." Albert Camus