Out to shock the world over Saudi reserves
George Bush’s energy adviser Matt Simmons claims the global economy has misjudged oil supply. (Article on Matt Simmons)
George Bush’s energy adviser Matt Simmons claims the global economy has misjudged oil supply. (Article on Matt Simmons)
…Mr. Groppe is not so much a fan of such history as a witness to it. He is 79, landed in the oil and petrochemicals industry in 1946 and became an oil consultant in 1955… That probably makes him the oldest active oil guru in the United States. The man knows a thing or two about oil production and prices and what he will tell you in his charming Texas drawl isn’t pretty: The “peak oil” theory is no theory, son — it’s happening.
We’ve been warned about ‘peak oil’- the day that heralds the end of cheap energy. It’s the biggest threat to our lives and livelihoods, but no one is listening. Former industry insider Jeremy Leggett outlines the six reasons why we need to act now
The California Public Utilities Commission, charged with protecting California ratepayers and implementing a sensible state energy plan, is about to deliver ratepayers into the hands of oil companies wanting to hook the state into a dependency on expensive, imported liquefied natural gas (LNG) that comes at the end of a long supply chain over which Californians have no control.
So if the head of San Ramon’s ChevronTexaco is prepared to gamble more than 16 billion bucks on oil prices staying at stratospheric levels, I’m ready to give him the benefit of the doubt.
And reading between the lines, that means only one thing.
Peak oil.
We’re basically there.
Oil company BP’s existing oil and gas fields are posting production declines of about 3 per cent, Tony Hayward, the company’s chief executive for exploration and production, said on Wednesday.
So where are the Democratic voices linking energy conservation and national security? With awareness of Peak Oil rising along with prices at the pump, it’s time for Democrats to make it clear they are leading the charge for the geo-green strategy.
But similar to industry trend where private oil companies can’t locate large future reserves.
When it comes to dealing with the many energy-related crises we’re facing, can the Bushies really go on pretending that their policies are any more forward-looking than a rerun of That ’70s Show
An up to date and information rich introduction to Peak Oil.
Abdullah al-Saif, Aramco’s senior vice president for exploration and production, was quoted in the March 14 edition of the Daily Star about future oil production projects in Saudi Arabia. Let us take a look at the projects he named in more detail.
The leading energy analysts who foretold Enron’s demise have an alarming new claim: The world’s major oil companies are almost tapped out.