The Truth About Oil

MYTH NO. 3: We’re running out of oil.
REALITY: This one is true. Sort of. Unlike wind or water, oil is not a renewable resource. So by definition we’re using it up, in the same way that we are all dying all the time. …
The real problem with the peak-oil argument has less to do with engineering than with philosophy. It lacks imagination.

Oil prices also affect oil costs

What those who see oil production just as a process limited by price, are NOT getting is that rigs and pipe and cement and energy are all costs that oil producers have to pay. And that additional cost is also reflected in the new higher prices for everything made with oil. As we look harder and harder for more oil, this demand drives prices for the equipment and materials we use through the roof.

$3 Gallon Gasoline? Time to Consider the Alternative: The Garage Filling Station (GFS)

With gasoline nearly $3 gallon, there needs to be a mainstream discussion of the alternatives.

Big Oil warns of coming energy crunch

International oil companies have advertising campaigns warning that the world is running out of oil and calling on the public to help the industry do something about it.
Most of the executives ofThe world’s five largest energy groups generally maintain that oil projects are viable with the price at which they test a project’s viability is within the around $20 a barrel. range. But their advertising and some of their companies’ own statistics appear to tell a different story.

Chevron, Oil, and China

“It took us 125 years to use the first trillion barrels of oil,” notes Chevron Corporation’s two full-page ad that began appearing in July in the Wall Street Journal, the Economist, Financial Times and elsewhere. “We’ll use the next trillion in 30,” the ad continues, thus quietly admitting to the Peak Oil that the industry has not previously disclosed.