Geopolitics – Sept 19
Russia revokes permit for Sakhalin-2
Iran and Venezuela plan Syrian refinery
Russian oil exports to China by rail up 25%
Capitalist Dispossession and the Scramble for Africa
Russia revokes permit for Sakhalin-2
Iran and Venezuela plan Syrian refinery
Russian oil exports to China by rail up 25%
Capitalist Dispossession and the Scramble for Africa
A major report launched today warns institutional investors to pay attention to the dangers of climate change and peak oil. The fourth Carbon Disclosure Project report is the result of a collaboration of 225 institutional investors with combined assets of $31 trillion.
Australia may miss solar power boom
NATURE: Silicon Valley sunrise
Desperately seeking silicon
Secret to cheap petrol is coal
BP was warned over North Slope intimidation
Oil supplies ‘could last 140 years’
Canadian crude oil production drops
US DOE trumpets CO2 injection
What seems to be turning up in the deeper waters of the Gulf are a series of smaller oil fields — some of which may someday be profitable to produce and some of which probably won’t. Extrapolating this situation to a major new discovery that will delay the onset of peak oil is clearly a reach.
Chevron’s effort in the Gulf is worth dissecting because it is illustrative of the future of the petroleum industry over the next decades. This article discusses geology.
Swedes downplay severity of shutdowns
Pakistan key to Chinese nuclear exports
Feds reject nuke waste storage plan
Popular Mechanics: The Nuclear Option
ASPO Newsletter #69
Jack 2 will be a long time coming
ExxonMobil exec claims Peak oil theories wrong
Predicting the peak
Stormy world of energy has a clear forecaster
Jack #2 demonstrates a key element of the Peak Oil thesis. That is, that the “easy” oil is gone… The oil that mankind will lift from the earth in the future, on the far side of Peak Oil, will be in faraway places, in harsh climates, under excruciatingly difficult conditions, deep down, heavy, sour, and overall expensive.
Gulf oil find won’t alter prices now
Total chief says world will find oil target tough
Shell: cost, lack of gas are slowing Saudi plans
Oil projects idle as supply of gear, staff runs dry
There’s no arguing the fact that the successful test results from Chevron’s newest golden boy in the Gulf of Mexico, lightly called Jack, are truly noteworthy. But we need to put some things into perspective before falling head over heels in love.
Russian agency sues to stop Shell on Sakhalin
Cost blowout hits Woodside LNG
Ghana: Power Crisis Worries Gold Miners
Turkey offers $130bn in energy investments