Young Indigenous organizers are taking the fight against oil pipelines to Biden

Hundreds of people rallied in front of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers headquarters in Washington, D.C. on April 1 to deliver 400,000 petition signatures calling on the Biden administration to stop a pair of major oil pipelines threatening Indigenous nations’ land and water.

As temps rise, so do water protector arrests

Spring is bringing the heat to opponents of the Enbridge Line 3 tar-sands oil pipeline, as levels of arrests and citations for demonstrations against the private Canadian infrastructure project rise faster than at any time since construction began on it in December.

Oak Flat: Fresh hope for menaced Apache sacred land

To make good on Joe Biden’s recent Presidential Memorandum for tribal consultation and strengthening nation-to-nation relationships, the U.S. Forest Service has rescinded its permit for a massive foreign copper mine that would engulf sacred Apache sites here.