Transport – May 11
Bioelectricity better than biofuels for transport
U.S. Drops Research Into Fuel Cells for Cars
Flush with Camaro orders, GM workers on OT
Bioelectricity better than biofuels for transport
U.S. Drops Research Into Fuel Cells for Cars
Flush with Camaro orders, GM workers on OT
This content is no longer available. It was a pre-publication draft of a section of “Energy Limits to Growth,” a report that will be published in expanded form by Post Carbon Institute and International Forum on globalization in May.
NYT: A world of a different color (horsepower)
Headlights burn more fuel?
The end of the road for hydrogen?
Mad cows (and livid lambs)
China and India: heartlands of global protest
Outside U.S., credit cards tighten grip
Local scientist splits water, saves world, gets on TV
The problem with walk score, the possibilities of carbon goggles
Automakers race time as their cash runs low
Addiction: A million little miles per gallon
Consumer auto expert Reed: ‘panic in boardrooms’ of GM, Ford as it becomes clear electric cars ‘really coming’
Peak oil: petrol to reach $8 a litre
Fuel for thought – CSIRO’s report on the future of transport fuels
ASPO-Australia’s response to CSIRO report
Petrol report a wake-up call: environmentalists
Strahan: How do you solve a problem like jet fuel?
Monbiot: Consider the airship
Homer-Dixon: future of travel and conferences
Oil, environment, lifestyle fuel Asia’s two-wheeler boom
Kunstler on Flagstaff and hydrogen cars
Americans drove less in 2007 for first time
Slow down a little, save a lot of gas
Kunstler on the fate of Flagstaff & hydrogen cars
Bush: America must ‘get off oil’
Bartlett pounces on hydrogen claims
William F. Buckley on $100 oil
Rep. Bartlett delivers his 38th special order speech on peak oil (video)
Bartlett: Declining oil supply means war is ‘fairly probable’
BMW: peak oil in 2025, solution = hydrogen
In its day, the internal combustion engine was a wonderful device that served us well for over a century. That day, however, will soon be over. It is time to start thinking about and planning for alternatives.