The Post-Wall Street Era Will be Local
Big business is the main destroyer of our environment. But companies—both small and big—may well also be the only entities powerful and creative enough to reverse this trend.
Big business is the main destroyer of our environment. But companies—both small and big—may well also be the only entities powerful and creative enough to reverse this trend.
The cast of heroes and villains in Greece’s ongoing battle to save its economy varies depending on who’s telling the story.
Whatever failings Syriza has had in its “negotiations” with the EU, and whatever the particularities of the Greek history and situation, it has shown clearly that the EU as constituted is not willing to entertain any form of oppositional view that does not accept the broad principles of both austerity and neoliberalism/neomercantilism, even when this is both bad politics and bad economics.
The real situation is that we right now seem to be reaching peak energy demand through low commodity prices. I see evidence of this in the historical energy data recently updated by BP…
According to a new study from Princeton University, American democracy no longer exists.
It is surely time to start exploring and outlining the ingredients of something new and relevant that starts with and is bound by respect for nature, its limits, and its wildlife, as well as people.
Much has changed since the first Earth Day in 1970. Not only have our ecological crises come into sharper focus, it has also become obvious that we need to rescue not just the Earth, but also its people from the clutches of an economy gone mad.
An illustrated history of the biggest changes in our time: the globalization of the small and the reemergence of empowered communities.
Globalization is a doomed venture in the face of more and more expensive energy costs, unfortunately before it falls apart it may destroy the local communities which will be the base of any alternative arrangements.
The beast of prey that, today, we call "Globalization" is facing the same problem that the old Roman Empire was facing in its times…
Ashish Kothari provides a sobering account of the social and environmental impacts of globalized development in India and highlights a diverse range of localist alternatives taking place in communities throughout India.
Do climate change adaptation programs just shift climate vulnerability?