Ripples – May 29
Dow Chemical hikes prices 20 percent, citing energy
Will soaring transport costs reverse globalization?
Dallas area residents feel grip of gas prices
Dow Chemical hikes prices 20 percent, citing energy
Will soaring transport costs reverse globalization?
Dallas area residents feel grip of gas prices
“Water will be the oil of the 21st century.”
(Mammoth collection of links and excerpts).
Canadian Medical Journal – Obesity reduction and its possible consequences: What can we learn from Cuba’s Special Period?
The recipe for food rights (Vandana Shiva interview)
At several points in the last quarter century, due to a brief constellation of short-term factors, petroleum prices dropped to levels lower in constant dollars than ever before in history. Collective decisions made on the assumption that such prices were normal need to be revisited in a hurry as more realistic energy costs reassert themselves.
I try to show the effects of fire, floods and drought on those living in impossible circumstances. Poor media coverage makes it difficult to understand the overall enormity of the crisis. (Comprehensive compilation of articles and commentary.)
Energy crunch threatens South American nations
Aussie coal to fuel Vietnam expansion
Amid an oil boom, poverty persists
NY Times: Compromise on oil law in Iraq seems to be collapsing
Naomi Klein: Why failure is the new face of success
Michael Klare on the internal war for control of Iraq’s oil
Iraq: New U.S. Base – Wasit
Iraqi oil: More plentiful than thought (and in a Sunni province)
Iraq: Big contracts for Big Oil
A warning over good news on Iraqi oil ‘wealth’
CO2 from shipping twice as much as airlines
NYC: the leisurely pleasures of a pedicab
Toronto gas shortage: Drivers urged to rethink
Plug-in hybrids for a sustainable future
Big Oil frets over rising costs, tough access
Ex-oil minister dis on Iraq oil
Big Oil sees big risks as it places big bets
The Highwaymen – privatization of the roads
U.S. Interstate: A golden opportunity missed
Detroit: Misguided assault on autos won’t solve energy crisis
Ford’s new Super Duty trucks
The auto efficiency wedge
One of the unmentionable facts of today’s politics is that the relative prosperity of the industrial nations depends on the impoverishment of the rest of the world. Lacking a willingness to deal with this reality, proposals for political solutions to peak oil and other aspects of our current predicament fall short.