Solutions & sustainability – Feb 22

San Francisco examines power of dog droppings /
Making compost of infected flocks may curb spread of bird flu /
UK & Japan: Achieving a low carbon society /
Amazonian terra preta soil can transform poor soil into fertile, reduce carbon /
States are already pushing to end our addiction to oil

Solutions & sustainability – Feb 7

Dream Farm: how to beat climate change & post fossil fuel economy /
In appreciation of small towns /
Neighbours in England have turned eco-guinea pigs /
Growing demand for organic produce helps young farmers /
Winds of climate change make their impact felt in many a boardroom /
Could we get by without new power?

Solutions & sustainability – Feb 1

The hippies were right all along about happiness /
The end of suburbia – or the beginning of widespread permaculture? /
McKibben on eating local for the winter /
Saving small farmers /
Miguel Altieri on industrial agriculture and agroecology /
Magazine “reap/sow” for young food activists /
Bat or badger? It’s the roadkill recipe book

Politics & economics – Jan 31

Scotland and North Sea: Pouring oil on troubled borders /
NG costs draining farms /
How the US fell out of love with its cars /
Is a run on the (resource) bank behind rising inequality? /
Italy shivers as Europe’s cold spell hurts gas supply /
Saudis, Chinese agree to landmark energy accord /
Ford: Explorer era nearing a close /
Pricey oil is deflationary, not inflationary threat