Peak oil – Mar 22

Interview: Former GOP Strategist Kevin Phillips (“American Theocracy”) /
CNN’s “We Were Warned”: the bright side /
Jitters about energy, debt and the housing market /
Anarchism and the peak oil argument /
Food, sustainability, and the environmentalists /
Investments based on peak oil? – yes

Environment – Mar 15

Burst oil pipeline causes ‘catastrophe’ in Alaska /
UK: New suburbia is an environmental cul-de-sac /
U.S. about to become net food importer /
Is America facing yet another dust bowl? /
Climate change ‘irreversible’ as Arctic sea ice fails to re-form /
Even Bush’s business allies have seen the light on global warming, but he’s dug in /
UN report: 2004 set record for carbon dioxide

Bringing the Food Economy Home

Today’s mounting social and ecological crises demand responses that are broad, deep, and strategic. Given the widespread destruction wrought by globalisation, it seems clear that the most powerful solutions will involve a fundamental change in direction – towards localizing rather than globalising economic activity. In fact, ‘going local’ may be the single most effective thing we can do.