When we finally take the off ramp

If you are in one of the cars rushing by on the freeway, your efforts are just as important as mine as a farmer to develop post-fossil fuel agriculture. Part of the solution is political. To a large extent, the present rural landscape in much of America is the result of federal policy that subsidizes massive production of just a few, easily industrialized crops — corn, soybeans, wheat. This policy has caused the loss of soil, biodiversity, localized food markets and farmers, resulting in a fragile system dependent on increasingly tight and insecure supplies of petroleum.

Hydrogen to the rescue? Questions about Iceland’s sustainability

Iceland plans to be the first country to implement a hydrogen economy, taking advantage of its vast electric resources. However, sustainability is still wanting in this tiny, isolated island nation, despite its massive advantages over most countries. It cannot, at this time, free itself from the world oil economy.

Food & agriculture – Aug 28

– Alice Waters: Slow food nation

– One thing to do about food: A forum

  (Eric Schlosser, Michael Pollan, Wendell
  Berry, Winona LaDuke, Dr. Vandana Shiva…)

– Stewards of wine land (sustainable vinyards)

– California seeks to clear hemp of a bad name

– Black farms, black markets

– Local food in small towns (interviews)