Why estimates of the ‘cost’ of climate action are overly pessimistic
The “cost” of cutting greenhouse gas emissions is often used to argue that tackling climate change is expensive. But this provides a skewed image to policymakers and stakeholders.
The “cost” of cutting greenhouse gas emissions is often used to argue that tackling climate change is expensive. But this provides a skewed image to policymakers and stakeholders.
This is what a group of powerful people look like when they lose touch with reality. As we have already seen the techno-innovations that are supposed to mitigate climate change are largely granfalloons. The elite fantasy of growth combined with R&D and techno-innovation to resolve the climate crisis can do a lot of damage by diverting us from the reality of the catastrophe that humanity faces.
‘How can anyone say that food is too cheap when food prices are actually going up?’
Environmental destruction, like other sins, is not just the result of ignorance. There is ignorance to be sure, but mostly we know what we are doing.