Fracking headlines

•Fracking by the Numbers: Key Impacts of Dirty Drilling at the State and National Level •Monterey Shale isn’t all it’s fracked up to be •West Virginia Landfills Will Now Accept Unlimited Amounts Of Often Radioactive Fracking Waste •Too Big to Believe: Top Economists Doubt California Oil Industry’s Jobs Figures •Colorado Cities Sued Over Fracking Bans by Oil, Gas Group

Does Canada’s stance on climate change constitute moral negligence?

How could the media report, with apparent pride, Canada’s military and civil contributions to humanitarian rescue efforts in the Philippines while ignoring our nation’s commitment to ensuring that present disasters are mere prelude to greater future catastrophe?

Fracking headlines

•Methane Emissions in U.S. Probably Top Estimates: Study •Top 10 beneficiaries of fracturing dollars in Congress •From sunset to new dawnColorado creates rules to reduce fracking emissions •Boom city keeps optimism as gas drilling slows •Americans Uninformed About Fracking Says New Study

Fracking headlines

•Could California’s Shale Oil Boom Be Just a Mirage? •Could fracking boom peter out sooner than DOE expects? •More mineral owners seek to join gas lawsuits •Bakken field haste fuels massive natural gas waste •Shale gas fracking a low risk to public health -UK review •Underground Carbon Dioxide Injections Triggered Earthquakes in Texas in 2009-2011 •Colorado an energy battleground as towns ban fracking

Cap the Grid

As a species, we must learn to live within the physical limitations of the biosphere. In the electric energy sector, this requires reversing the worldwide trend of ever-expanding electricity supply grids carrying energy vast distances from more and more large, centralized power plants. “Capping the grid” is a crucial step toward reducing greenhouse gas pollution and increasing the percentage of electricity generated by renewables.