The Countdown for the Peak of Oil Production has Begun – but what are the Views of the Most Important International Energy Agenc

While peak oil has hit the mainstream news, government planning bodies still depend on the “optimistic” forecasts of the international energy agencies. This paper documents these agencies’ past failures and carefully dismantles their research methods, revealing that the world’s governments are acting on false assumptions, blindly moving towards an energy crisis without precedent.

We Did It!

World’s Seven Largest Economies (G7) Admit They Have No Idea How Much Oil Is Left – Issue Emergency Call for Transparency at DC Summit ….

Recent statements by the G7 group of nations and other breaking news stories have now irrevocably placed Peak Oil on the table. The bottom line is that the G7 have admitted that demand has outpaced supply and that due to cooked books and secrecy, they really have no idea how much oil is left, or available for production (two different questions). Within months there will be no more important story on the planet.